
Thursday, October 16, 2008

What I Brought Home

It is always interesting the things there are in the city, and that come home with me. We made a trip to Costco, which I rarely do, and I got BIG things because that is what Costco sells. We stopped in Creston and I got a bag of apples (anybody got any apple recipes because I was shopping as if I had children at home) - perhaps I shall have an apple dinner... appetizers, main course and dessert, made of apples. I also bought a gallon of apple juice - this is a large amount of apple juice.

The most unforgettable thing I brought home was - a cold. Unforgettable because most of my days since I got home on Monday, I have been consumed with sneezing, and blowing and finding quick-fix remedies. Because.... tomorrow I catch a plane, and I don't want a congestion headache on that baby.

Though I technically got this cold in Lethbridge, it really is a Nelson cold, by my figuring. Elizabeth's son also came to visit for the Thanksgiving weekend; the first morning he woke up, he was sniffling and looking dragged out; looks like he brought it with him from Nelson where we both live. So I went away to a new land, and came home with a local cold. Go figure.

Sometimes colds can have their own entertainment. This one has its own pecularities in that I am in a constant state of wanting to sneeze. So as I am talking to people, I am making faces and scrunching up my nose - sometimes I am twitching it, like the daughter in Bewitched. Well, if I had a wish, it would to be not having a twitching nose. I am off now to find a decongestant. In about 12 hours, I will be on a plane. I'll keep you posted.

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