I don't know if I will head over the mountain tomorrow. I am getting into the notion of my new way of spending time off. And part of me feels like I have travelled. Five days ago, I went to the video store with a list of the best travel films; I found 7. So far I have been to Italy (Under the Tuscan Sun) and India (Outsourced), Belgium (In Bruges) and Mexico (Y tu Mama Tambien).
What I found out was:
- Bruges is known for its many swans that swim in the canals. This is one Venice-looking place.
- There is a condition in India that happens while you adjust to the food that is called Delhi Belly. Most of the cast of Outsourced got it; it looks uncomfortable.
- A movie about a Mexican road trip is not necessarily about a journey. But what are road trips about, really?
My out-and-about part of my staycation has taken me to the country to visit friends (with no time pressure - yahoo!), to restaurants (today I was introduced to a breakfast strata), the library (not the best place to hang out during spring break if you are looking for quiet), the shops (the novelty here is grocery shopping at different times). It also means staying up late (which of course means I am ready for a nap in the afternoon), doing what I want when I am inspired (today I am inspired to make soup!), watching the neighbours move (apparently I missed the skunk being shot in my backyard on Monday), wearing the same clothes day after day (I wash them!).
Modelling my staycation after a vacation suggests that the camera is involved. I did see some hints of spring...
And though the snow is on the mountain, some of the most inspiring pictures of mountains are when we can see the snow peaks next to the blue sky.
And that's it - the photography portion of my staycation is a bit pitiful. But I have 3 more days....